Hello again! After our break in June here we are back again – and with a bumper issue for you. I think that without doubt, the depth and breadth of community spirit in Eastington has really shone through this crisis, with so many people so willing to really put themselves out to help others. Especially […]
Author: admin
Eastington Coronavirus Community Volunteers
Eastington has always been a community driven by the power of its brilliant volunteers, and this has never been demonstrated better than with the local response to the corona virus. When we started we didn’t know what was needed or how we should respond – however it didn’t feel like doing nothing was an option! […]
A letter from Amy at the Co-op
In April, Jennifer Empson approached me and asked about the possibility of doing home deliveries for vulnerable people that had to shield due to the pandemic. She told me that she had a group of volunteers that were willing to collect the shopping and deliver them for us. I approached my Line Manager and it […]

A Letter from the Badger
While I’m sure that it would be the dream of some to be alone in a pub for three months plus, after the first week of lockdown we realised we aren’t cut out for sitting still. Firstly, we joined the Eastington Coronavirus Volunteers. We were seeing posts about people struggling to get supermarket delivery slots, […]
Eastington Primary School – Year 6 – 2020
Here in year 6, the year is drawing to a close. What a unique final year we’ve had. We’ve had ups and downs and got through it all – we made the most of it. During our Eastington years, we’ve had many exciting adventures and experiences. We’ve also made many friendships that will last forever. […]
Parish Matters 182
I hope this finds you all well and coping with these trying times. I would like to thank all volunteers and businesses for their help during the lockdown. I know many parishioners were very grateful to them. Parish Council has continued having remote meetings via Zoom during lock down. These will continue until we are […]
Playgroup – Summer 2020
Well that’s another academic year over and this has been the strangest to date! Having had to close back in March, we reopened in June like many other settings and were pleased to welcome back some of our pre schoolers for the final few weeks of the summer term. It always amazes us how resilient […]
Yard Trail – Summer 2020
Eastington Yard Trail – 12th July 2020 Once again our Village Yard Trail was blessed with fine weather, and a large number of people came out to enjoy a walk around our lovely village in the sunshine – and hunt for the odd bargain. – And plenty of bargains were to be found – this […]

VE Day 75: Commemorating in Lock-down
by Della M. Nevill MBE Having lived in my village for nearly 30 years, there are certain expectations when it comes to marking key events – historical or otherwise – a flower festival in the church or a parade through the village by the primary school, RBL etc. I remember when we commemorated 50 years […]
Blue Frog Theatre – this Autumn
It’s nearly a year since Bluefrog Theatre Company performed ‘Paper Memories’ – a community piece of theatre that told stories about local folk in our wonderful village of Eastington. It’s also 2 years since we performed our first performance, a comedy, set in a local village hall during the weekly Tai Chai session. So, what […]

Eastington Cricket Club
By now we would normally be two thirds of the way through the cricket season. We had started pre-season indoor nets when the anti-social behaviour order arrived resulting in cricket going back into hibernation. Now, providing players have read pages and pages of guidance notes from the government and the E.C.B. and are prepared to […]
Eastington Community Land Trust
ECLT Project One Fullers Close site is open again and building our 23 houses After six weeks in limbo, E G Carter re-opened the Fullers Close site in Claypits on 15th May. New proceedures dictated a change of methods and a slower rate of progress but comparing these two photos shows what had been […]
Wild Hogs Hedgehog Rescue – July 2020
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: We are still accepting hedgehog admissions. If you have found a hedgehog in distress, please call us on 07949 976717 .We may ask for more details over the phone to minimise contact – please do not come to the centre without calling first.. Many of us are now leaving our lawns to grow […]
Eastington Community Orchard Group – July 2020
Many of us are looking forward to a bumper crop of apples and pears on our trees this summer, helped by the warm sun in May and then the rain to grow the buds. Our own Eastington Community Orchards at Coneygree Community Orchard (by the Church) and Brownings Community Orchard (behind the Kings Head), are […]
Citizens Advice amid the Coronavirus crisis
When the lockdown began on March 23, Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswold Districts quickly mobilised staff and volunteers away from face-to-face interviews to give one-to-one advice over the phone and via email. By mid-May this charity had helped over 800 people. Help can be given with applying for universal credit, navigating the government’s job support […]
District Councillor Report – July 2020
Cllr Stephen Davies and Cllr John Jones It is difficult to know where to start as there is so much that has changed since our last article. Let us start by looking back at this crisis. It easy in retrospect to dwell on things that could have been done better and there will be the […]
History beneath our Feet
When archaeologists start to investigate a site, often, one of the first things they do is ‘field walking’. Put simply, this involves walking methodically across a location whilst scanning the surface of the ground for anything that might give a clue to what’s buried beneath. Broken bits of pottery, coins, etc. can often give an […]
Eastington Community Centre
Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground. Firstly the OHMG Committee would like to thank all those who put in valuable volunteer time in order to produce and distribute the ECN. It’s a great read and is representative of the wonderful community spirit that we have here in Eastington. We are so pleased that […]

Tribute to Wayne Seeley
Many of us were devastated by the loss of Wayne Seeley in June, following a tragic accident. Wayne’s photos have been featured in ECN. He will be much missed in the community. His family and fiancé offer the following tribute. In loving memory of Wayne Seeley ( the flying photographer) Fly high .. my love […]
Eastington Methodist Church
It has been quite an eventful few months since the last edition of ECN both as a church and for us at our family level. The lockdown came at a time when my wife Beck was due to have radiotherapy treatment for cancer and mercifully this went ahead in spite of her receiving a letter […]
St Michaels Church (Stroudwater Team)
We are beginning to see our church emerge from lockdown. When it was in full effect life was pretty simple, the guidelines were clear and easy to communicate. We are now entering a stressful and complicated phase, and let’s be clear, the threat of another lockdown if the virus spikes again. Just because things seem […]
Zumba in the Field – for Wayne
On the 11th of July we held a Zumba session in the playing field to raise money for Wayne Seeley’s memorial which will be placed at Frocester Hill. The funds are growing and there is still time if you would like to donate*. A big thank you to everyone who came the turn out was […]

Eastington Veg and Flower show
Eastington Autumn VIRTUAL Veg & Flower Show 2020 on the web On Saturday 5th September Post a picture of your best plants! Watch for details on Facebook Love Eastington
The New Normal!
ECN advertisers battling on …. Although the pandemic has caused huge disruptions, we are pleased to report that as far as we know, all our advertisers are now open for ‘business as usual’ – where ‘usual’ is the new ‘usual ‘ of course, with all Covid considerations in place. Many, however, will be operating at […]
Editorial 181 – no printed magazine
Hello fellow lock-downers, We have reluctantly decided not to publish a printed magazine for June/July 2020. Last time there was a huge amount of new information that we thought it was important to get ‘out there’ – especially for those without easy internet access. Right now, however, there is less to justify the slight extra […]

Editorial 180
Dear Readers, I hope you are all staying as safe and well as possible in these difficult times. We are all taking the utmost care to stick to all distancing and sanitising advice here and urge everyone to do so. We hope you like Sarah’s poem on the ‘corona and dren‘ page – the line […]
Coronavirus – Covid 19 – advice April 1st 2020
Well, here we are in lockdown and struggling to not let this thing get too much on top of us. Being isolated , whether you are sick or well, is no joke at all, but there is a HUGE amount of goodwill in Eastington and people really want to help you – do not struggle […]

Coronavirus – Eastington Volunteers
Corona Virus -Please Ask for Help
Isolated? You are not alone! The so called ‘social distancing’ is very badly named. At this time ‘social togetherness’ is more apparent more than ever – just in a physically distant sort of way. There are so many good people wanting to help those that perhaps do not have friends or family close by. If […]

Corona – calling all Volunteers
Would you like to spend some time helping others – shopping, other errands, dog walking or just being a friendly face (voice!) to talk to? We are sure that those of you that can are helping friends and family, but this is a hard time for people who do not have local support – and […]
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