Yard Trail – Summer 2020

Eastington Yard Trail – 12th July 2020

Once again our Village Yard Trail was blessed with fine weather, and a large number of people came out to enjoy a walk around our lovely village in the sunshine – and hunt for the odd bargain. – And plenty of bargains were to be found – this was our biggest sale yet – with over 40 addresses taking part. Lockdown-loft-clearouts were obviously effective.

Many folk were just happy to chat to neighbours (in a socially responsible way) that they had not seen for a while.

Sellers and buyers alike all seemed to have a good time – and we must thank Katie-Anne Potter for getting us all organised for this once again.

This year, Kate was asking all ‘stall-holders’ to donate to her charity collection, and she raised a massive £220 which was spilt between St Michaels Church and the Great Western Air Ambulance service in memory of Wayne Seeley.

You can read the Church’s thanks on their page; Kate has also had a lovely letter from the Air Ambulance Charity with their thanks and pointing out how vital donations are to their services in this area for those needing urgent help

Kate would like to thank all those of her family and friends who helped with phone calls, leaflets, posters and general sorting out – and also everyone who joined in to make this such a success.