While restrictions are being eased on the office back to work programme, several staff at Ebley Mill have been “pinged” by the Track and Trace app and are either having to isolate or continue to work from home. Services are still being disrupted, including Waste and Recycling collections. Katie Markwick has moved her job into […]
Author: admin
Eastington Cricket Club
Eastington Cricket Club continue to operate under Covid guidelines from: the Government; the E.C.B; The Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation; the Stroud and District Cricket Association; the Stroud League; the Owen Harris memorial Ground ……..and their own common sense! – Wouldn’t life be easier if they were all exactly the same? Still, spectators are welcome and there […]
OHMG – Needs YOU!
Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground Registered Charity Number 1013643 Would YOU help to support our fantastic Community Centre and public field? The Eastington Community Centre was built and is run by ordinary members of the community for the community of Eastington and we’ve all had some amazing and fun times there. It […]
Frampton surgery update
Patient Participation Group (PPG) We continue to work with the surgery to improve the service. If you have any feedback , please email myppg@framptononsevern.com or call Ali on 01452 741988, or Jane on 01452 740964 – in full confidence. Due to rising cases of covid-19, a number of staff at the surgery have recently been […]
Millend Mill – the great antique sale
By Stephen Mills We’ve talked about some of the mill’s long and interesting history in several previous articles, but this one harks back to an event that most villagers wouldn’t have known about. Briefly, after Millend Mill’s commercial life came to an end, it was eventually taken over by an antiques company who used it […]

Yard Sale – June 2021
Wow what a fantastic yard sale this year!! The weather was on our side – possibly a tiny bit over enthusiastically as it was just a little hot! But we had a super turn-out – lots of sellers with lots of fascinating things and plenty of happy bargain hunters. Coming after all the lockdowns and […]
King’s Stanley Village Hall
KING’S STANLEY VILLAGE HALL IS UP AND RUNNING Please do make use of one of your local village halls. We are open again for functions, as well as the classes and meetings we have been running for several weeks now. To get in touch, please contact the Bookings Officer, Pam Culver, on ksvhbookings@gmail.com, or 01453 […]
Wild Hogs
WILD HOGS HEDGEHOG RESCUE Registered Charity no: 1168800 Hedgehog admissions: 07949 976717 General Enquiries: wildhogsoffice@gmail.com Please put out water and food for hedgehogs in hot weather. The heat makes the ground too dry to dig, and they are unable to find food. We are getting a lot of calls about hedgehog sightings in the day. […]

Come and Have a Cuppa with Queenie
Queenie Jones is inviting people to get together for a cuppa and a natter in the village hall. Currently we have a dozen or so folks coming Do come and join us we would love to meet you! ● Monday afternoons from 2-3 o’clock and ● Thursday mornings from 10-12 o’clock. There will be tea […]
ECO – Celebrate our local Apples and Pears!
Today is a perfect summer day, and with fruit growing on the trees its time to think about celebrating the local Apple! Sadly our plans to hold pruning classes and tree care had to be cancelled this year, but fingers crossed for next spring! We have had a pretty strange season so far, an early […]
Frampton Village Society Talks – Peter Scott
A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come to our series of 2021 illustrated talks held in Frampton on Severn which we hope will be of interest to local people. The talks are on Friday evenings starting at 7.30pm in our Village Hall and are organised by Frampton on Severn Village Society. You need […]
Eastington Methodist Church
Welcome to the new normal(ish). The last few weeks have been rather frustrating for many churches in that there were regulations banning the singing of hymns and songs by congregations in their church buildings, even if wearing masks and well spaced apart, whilst watching crowds singing at football matches and in pubs to the enthusiasm […]
Snakey Park – Eastington Playground
Please can we ask that you leave the park as you hope to find it! If the bins are overflowing, take your litter home, or find the nearest bin within the village. Don’t allow your children to destroy the willow structure. Yes we all like to make swords etc, but it’s also nice as a […]
Stonehouse Rotary – Community Grants.
The Rotary Club of Stonehouse has a programme to support community organisations within the area. Part of this is the annual award of small grants (up to £500) where it is felt that a small cash injection could make a big difference. Any small organisation that benefits the community or local residents can apply – […]
Middlehall Farm Milk
We have been overwhelmed with the support from locals buying and enjoying our delicious milk. If you haven’t tried it yet, it is a must do this summer! Our vending machine is located in the shop. The milk is pasteurised just behind the building and the cows are milked a little further up the yard […]
Eastington Community Land Trust – Public Consultation
Continuous Community involvement over 10 years A series of public surveys, meetings and drop-ins have led to the deployment of ECLT Project Two. These have included: Parish Survey 2011-2012; Parish Plan 2013; Foundation meeting of ECLT October 2013; Housing Needs Survey (HNS) 2013-2014; Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) 2014-2016; Registration of ECLT as a Community Benefit […]
Campaign for Safe Speed Limit in Eastington
Petition Update Firstly, thank you to everyone who went out of their way to sign the petition. The response was promising but realistically not substantial enough to make real change. Since this petition, it has been brought to our attention that from January 2022, the Stroud Council Environmental Protection will be placing an air quality […]
editorial 187
Hello Dear Readers, It is hard to believe that I am writing this introduction to the June edition while the wind is howling around Hazel Cottage like a banshee and the rain is drumming on the roof. During the last little respite in the weather I planted out courgette and squash, tiny beet seedlings and […]
Parish Matters 187
We hope you are well and that, despite the rather unseasonal weather, you are cautiously enjoying your new ‘freedom’. I am pleased to report that Parish Council meetings are now face to face in the Village Hall. As previously, you are very welcome to join us. Covid safety measures are in place i.e. hand sanitiser, […]
OHMG – The Story – Part 3
Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground Following on from the two previous articles this one is about ‘fundraising’ and the decades of hard work that has gone in to creating the current facilities that we have at the Owen Harris Memorial Ground today. The first Committee, ESPFA (Eastington Sports and Playing field Association) […]
Playgroup – June 2021
We have had a lovely and busy Spring term exploring the world around us and developing our understanding of the world. We have been exploring how things happen and work through experiments and exploring different materials and textures. We have been lucky to spend a lot of time at the allotment, hanging our home-made bird […]
Eastington Community Land Trust
. The Meaning of “Local Connection” ECLT is committed to providing affordable homes that are needed by the Parish. We are very proud of the fact that all 23 tenants of Fullers Close, Claypits had local connections to the traditional hamlets of Eastington. Either: ● They already lived here ● Or they had family […]

Octavius T Hulbert, Eastington’s Pied Piper
I recently came across an interesting news article published on the 20th October 1965 in The Sun newspaper concerning one of our long-departed residents – the wonderfully named Octavius T Hulbert. He was remembered in the late Fred Ireland’s memories of Eastington, recorded in 1992, where Fred recalled the celebrations at the end of the […]
District councillors’ Newsletter June 2021
Stephen and John would like to thank all who voted in the recent elections to put them back at Ebley Mill. As District Councillors for Severn Ward of SDC, of which Eastington is part, it is our intention to do the best we can for all residents during the next three years. If anyone who […]

Eastington Cricket Club
Eastington Cricket Club are playing Stroud League matches at The Owen Harris Memorial Ground albeit with covid 19 mitigations limiting some of the more social aspects of the game. Home games in June, July and August are arranged for ● June 5th and 19th; ● July 10th and 17th; ● August 14th and 28th. […]
Come and Have a Cuppa with Queenie
Queenie Jones is inviting people to get together for a cuppa and a natter in the village hall. Covid permitting, she hopes to start after the 21st June with ‘get togethers’ on ● Monday afternoons from 2-3 o’clock and ● Thursday mornings from 10-12 o’clock. There will be tea and biscuits, and possibly a game […]
Livery button with Hicks Family Crest found in Nupend
A gilt livery button, 28 mm (1 inch!) in diameter, with a buck’s head and banner motto ‘TOUT EN BONHEUR’ (Figure 1) has been found in garden soil in Nupend. The back surface (Figure 2) has FIRMIN & Co. in the name field and STRAND LONDON in the address field. A search of the National […]

Middle Hall Farm Milk
Eastington Farm Shop is very excited to let you know that we now have milk from our own dairy herd available. The milk is unhomogenised, batch pasteurised, whole milk – just like it used to be. It is sold in reusable glass bottles. Plastic free, and zero food miles. The herd is milked on the […]
Frampton surgery update
Patient Participation Group (PPG) We know that there have been a large number of concerns during the last few months over the service being delivered by Frampton surgery. We are working with the surgery to improve the service and wanted to take this opportunity to update you on plans and progress. Reception team: The surgery […]
Eastington Methodist Church
One of the church’s great purposes is to serve individuals and groups within the community in which it is located. There are many ways in which this can be achieved and obvious examples in our case are the Toddler Group and the Youth Group which provide facilities and support. Less visible is the practical support […]
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