Eastington Community Land Trust – Public Consultation

Continuous Community involvement over 10 years

A series of public surveys, meetings and drop-ins have led to the deployment of ECLT Project Two.

These have included: Parish Survey 2011-2012; Parish Plan 2013; Foundation meeting of ECLT October 2013; Housing Needs Survey (HNS) 2013-2014; Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) 2014-2016; Registration of ECLT as a Community Benefit Society in 2016 – and the the successful evolution of Project One – the 23 affordable homes now occupied at Fullers Close).
A second HNS in 2019 has led to ECLT Project Two – 31 more affordable homes for Eastington related people.

Public response to all these processes has been extremely positive and ECLT now has over 140 members.

Public involvement has been difficult recently because of the Covid restrictions, but every effort has been made to continue to consult both the public and the Parish Council throughout.

Eastington Parish Council had provided £6,000 as match funding for Fullers Close and, in September 2019, voted unanimously to support Project 2 with £8,000 match funding. The latter has allowed us to claim a £72,000 Community Housing Fund grant from Homes England.

No public meetings were possible in 2020 because of Covid-19, but public comments on the overall plan was invited via an article in Eastington Community News in October 2020 – delivered to every home in the village and traditional hamlets . There were no dissenters – neither by e-mail nor within social media.

As soon as restrictions were eased and public drop-in meetings were possible, Project Two was displayed for the public in the Village Hall – on 15th and 17th July 2021. This was supported by articles in ECN and on Facebook, 400 leaflets distributed in the village and a banner outside the Village hall in advance.

75 people attended, ECLT gained 14 new members, there were no adverse comments at all and 20 actively supportive comments were recorded.

Left: General view of activity on 15th July. Covid-19 elements included masks, social distancing, sneeze screens, open doors and less than 10 people in the hall at any time.


Stroud DC supported the event with an expert on Homeseeker Plus on 15th July.

On the 17th , our partners in this project, Two Rivers Housing Association, sent an expert in the new element of Shared Ownership, a speciality of Two Rivers. Many of our visitors took advantage of the opportunity to talk to her.