Christmas number 1 Do you know the story of the first Christmas? How God sent His own Son (His only Son) from Heaven, into the world, to be born a tiny, human, baby. But not only that – not to be born in a palace, so it was obvious he was important and God’s […]
Author: admin
Eastington Cricket Club
The Cricket season is over for the winter but Keith has sent us his take on the cricket world as he looks back on the trials of the covid-blighted season….. As the sun slid over the equator and the Autumn Equinox closed the curtain on another covid cricket stage, the players could reflect on […]

Eastington Farm Shop
Now stocking Eastington Community Orchard Apple juice We asked you for suggestions of local charities to support this year. Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, so many wonderful charities that are doing great things locally. This time round, 100% of profit made from the sale of the Eastington Community Orchards (ECO) Group […]
Eastington Playgroup Dec 2021
As we approach the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ our playgroup is filled with jingle bells and festive songs as we practise for the Christmas concert we hope to hold for parents. We have had another busy term, learning about Diwali. The children made tea light holders to celebrate the festival of […]
The Ocean, the Railway and the Towpath
The canal towpath between Ocean swing bridge and Bonds Mill will be closed from 18 October until the end of March 2022 as part of the work to replace the railway bridge. An alternative walking and cycling route has been arranged through St Cyr’s Churchyard and will be signposted – please be mindful of church […]
Editorial 189
Hello Readers, Welcome to your Autumn edition of ECN – writing that makes me wonder just where the summer went – but at least we are still blessed with some sunshine. Harvest time is always an active time in Eastington, and this year we have been able to get back to celebrating the autumn bounty […]
Helping People in Crisis – Stroud FoodBank
Stroud District Foodbank was established in December 2011. A member of the Trussell Trust, they work alongside, but are independent of, the Long Table, Kid’s Stuff and the Furniture Bank. Registered charity (no 1176306) They have three part time paid staff, 7 volunteer trustees, around 150 regular volunteers and another 150 volunteers involved in supermarket […]
Eastington Primary School – new entrants to Year 1
The Year One children in Class 1 have welcomed twenty new reception children to the class this term. Our new children have settled into school life really well. They are learning new routines, making new friends, enjoying the new equipment in our outdoor area as well as exploring our environment at Forest School every Wednesday […]

Playgroup – learning is fun even in the rain
We are so pleased to be back at playgroup and to have come back to so many happy faces. We have been blessed with the good weather, which has meant lots of fun at the allotment and exploring our surrounding environment. The children have been learning about decay and change by helping to compost their […]
Eastington Orchard group – Apple Day
ECO are now starting to press apples and pears from this years harvest. Our Eastington Apple Day is on Oct 2nd at the Old Badger and we look forward to pressing all your spare apples so you can take home fresh juice. Local juice will be available to buy from October 2nd from Wendy or […]

The Wombles are at it again
Some people moan about the litter left by others along our roads and hedges, and some people get up and do something about it! Will you join the Wombling team this October? It is a great way to make new friends, get outside, have some exercise and a laugh or two – as well as […]
Craft & Chat
The Craft & Chat gatherings are going really well. There are a variety of crafts being done and the ladies are all helping and willing to demonstrate their skills to others who may be interested. We have embroidery, knitting, cross stitching, crochet, needle felting and much more on occasions. A really relaxed atmosphere with tea, […]

OHMG – The Story – Part 4
In the last article, in 2001 ESCA had folded. The task of keeping the Village Hall going alongside trying to repair/improve the pavilion was overwhelming and life goes on, people moved on for other reasons. Around 2002 a new Committee was formed. It was called the ECPWG. This stands for (I had to check and […]
Wild Hogs – Autumn update
Registered Charity no: 1168800. Thank you for your support of this charity which cares for and rehabilitates sick and injured hedgehogs Admissions: 07949 976717 General Enquiries: At this time of year, many people are tidying their gardens before the winter months. If you have left long grass, please do check it before […]
Eastington Cricket Club
It was great to finally get started on a more ‘normal’ season this year. Our objective was very much to remain in the Stroud Premier Division which is a tough division. Having previously been promoted on more than one occasion and then relegated straight back to Division One, this was something we certainly wanted to […]

Autumn Flower and Veg Show
The committee again would like to thank everyone that entered this year’s Autumn Show and their fantastic entries. The judges had an extremely hard job this year as the quality was so high, the jam/chutney judge had concerns that they wouldn’t sleep that night! We had 22 more entries than the last Autumn Show we […]
Fireworks – damage limitation!
Firework season approaches again – and these days ‘firework season’ is a much better description than ‘bonfire night’. The debate continues between those who believe they have a right to get enjoyment from fireworks regardless and those who see the terror and anguish they can cause to so many of our animals – both domestic […]
At St Michael and All Angels Church, Eastington, our regular pattern of services continues with Holy Communion at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. On 14th November 2021 we will be holding our Remembrance Sunday service. We are also planning to resume our Christingle Service this year. There are other services […]
Eastington Methodist Church – a big step
Leaving the Methodist Church As a church, we voted unanimously in July to leave the Methodist Church of Great Britain denomination. This is a big step but is made necessary because we feel that the Methodist Church has, for many years, been moving away from its original foundation based on Scriptural Holiness preferring instead to […]
Eastington church choir – voices from the past
By Stephen Mills Like every village, Eastington has had a church choir from time immemorial. Although its scale and makeup has inevitably changed with the passing years, it has always been an integral part of ecclesiastical and village life. As well as for regular services, the choir has been there for all occasions ranging from […]
Severn Vale Rotary are meeting again!
Like so many community oriented organisations, recent months have presented many challenges in working with those in need and other like minded groups. However, throughout lockdown we have held regular meetings through ZOOM . . . . . . . and honed our IT skills ! And now Severn Vale Rotary are back into their […]
St Michael & All Angels Church Library
The re-organisation of the library has continued since we were able to re-open in March. As available space is limited generally, the collection is restricted to novels and biographies only. Fresh titles are added every few months, listed and displayed on a separate bookshelf, and 43 novels have recently been added for September. Space for […]
Frampton surgery update Sept 2021
Patient Participation Group (PPG) We continue to work with the surgery to improve the service and our latest update is below. We also want to take this opportunity to reassure you that there is no truth to the current rumour; there are no plans to close Frampton Surgery. Please get in touch if you have […]

Our bus – All change
In August 2021 the buses serving Eastington were changed. There are upsides and downsides to these changes – the downsides particularly disadvantaging anyone working in Stroud. What used to be our bus route into Stroud has effectively been replaced by the Number 64 bus – which now only really serves Great Oldbury. From Stroud it […]
Angela Reader
In August we said goodbye to Angela Reader – a very much loved member of the community and the Church. The bell ringers at Eastington Church rang a quarter peal (1260 changes) of Grandsire Doubles for 45 minutes to celebrate her life . “ May she rest in peace and rise in glory”.

Blue Frog Theatre Company – Auditions for a new production
It’s been two years since we last performed our Community piece ‘Paper Memories’ so I am delighted and beyond excited to be getting ready for our NEW Performance! ‘Bread and Butter’ is a comedy set in the fictional village of Bramley where Joyce Hickleford and her ladies run Hicklefords Family Bakery. It’s the hottest day […]
Editorial 188
Hello once again! Now that the enough of us (apparently) have had our jabs, community life is slowly re-awakening. We are still advised to be cautious and not forget that Covid is still very much around, but perhaps we are learning to live with the idea – adapt rather than restrict our lives. Community facilities […]

May Queen 2021
May Queen is a tradition that has been held in Eastington village for many years. Traditionally the May Queen was crowned to celebrate the coming of Summer and she would process around the village at the start of a festival day. The tradition of crowning a May Queen in Eastington has only been broken during […]
Parish Matters 188
PARISH MATTERS Phew!! We hope you are all keeping safe and coping with this hot weather – which will probably be over by the time you read this! We are pleased to say that we have co-opted two new Councillors – who joined and contributed to our July meeting. We still have one vacancy, so […]
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