Oldbury House Care Home resident Nellie turned 100 on the 13th May. The care home invited Eastington to help her to celebrate by sending a card – and Eastington responded in customary spirit! They said “it was an amazing day and Nellie loved every bit of it. On her behalf, Thank You to everyone in […]
Author: admin
St Michael and all Angels
We have a new format of services coming into operation across the Stroudwater Team as our churches come out of lockdown. On most Sundays, there will be church services across the Stroudwater Team at 8am, 9.30am, 11.15am and 6pm. To keep up to date and for more details of services and events, email officestroudwater@gmail.com to […]
Can you tell a swift from a swallow?
Editorial 186
Hello Everyone, Here we are in print again, and lockdown is slowly easing just a little bit – but let’s remember it is ‘just a little’ for now and not spoil all the progress so far by forgetting the rules. ‘Hands, Face, Space’ is still really important! It was very pleasing (a little smug-making?!) to […]

Meet the Eastington Wombles!
As I am sure most of you know, the Wombles are shy and wonderful little creatures that keep the place clean and tidy by collecting rubbish. Originally from Wimbledon common, they have spread all over the world, and we are lucky to have our very own pack here in Eastington – in the person of […]
Join our campaign for safer streets in Eastington.
Dear Neighbour, We are new residents at Fullers Close and use the Claypits/Alkerton Road to walk into Eastington village on a daily basis. We have found it to be a difficult and sometimes dangerous experience. As part of their home education, I have been helping my children carry out some fieldwork to collect evidence for […]
Eastington Baby and Toddler Group
Eastington Baby and Toddler Group Eastington Methodist Church (opposite the butchers) Mondays 10-11:30am For any queries or to book your place call Beck Burgin 07511 197 265 After many months of lockdown, or only limited opening we are hoping to re-open on Monday 12th April. As yet the full details of the Covid–19 regulations are […]
Thank You to The Old Badger team
Once more Team Badger have been continuing with their weekly free meals service for the elderly and vulnerable throughout this lockdown. A huge thank you to all involved, the chefs and the brilliant delivery volunteers. This service will be finishing now that (Hopefully!) outdoor pubbing will be possible again very soon and we can all […]

Eastington Yard Trail – 13th June 2021
Save The Date – and your unwanted goods! The next Great Eastington Yard Trail Is planned for Sunday 13th June 11am-3pm (Covid Willing) Thank you, Katie-Ann, for organising this!
The Big Green Coffee Machine in the OHMG car park
Well spring seems to have arrived in Eastington and down at the OHMG field another welcome addition has turned up in the form of the Big Green Coffee Machine. For those of you that haven’t seen it yet it’s a beautiful old double decker bus and the owner, Louise, is providing delicious plant based food […]

Eastington Primary School – Red Nose Day
Many of you may know that Comic Relief believes that a fair world, free from poverty, is possible, and that those closest to the issues have the best solutions. They partner amazing projects and organisations that are working to tackle some of the biggest challenges people face. At school we learned about a boy called […]
Parish Matters April 2021
I hope you are all well and looking forward to a little more freedom in the coming months. Parish Council is still meeting via Zoom every 2nd Thursday of the month. All Parishioners are most welcome to join us and contribute if they wish. To join a meeting please contact the Clerk. Census Day was […]
Eastington Cricket Club
“If”, “but” “hopefully” and “maybe” still dominate the prospects for cricket in 2021. We have watered the square and done some other preparation but the pre season indoor nets have been lost to covid. If the medical situation allows the Government to relax restrictions in line with their route map; If the OHMG committee decide […]
Remains of withey beds in Millend
Another slice of history exposed by winter floods Steve Mills’ recent article about the field systems in the Meadows which can best be seen during heavy winter rains, reminded me of another industrial/agricultural system in the field between Millend and Cress Green. Much beloved by dog walkers, as well, many people will identify this as […]

The Eastington Workhouse
By Stephen Mills Everyone has heard about the workhouse. It’s generally viewed as a place of hardship, misery, and absolutely the last resort for desperately poor people. And that was true for many workhouses, especially those in and around the major cities. But in some places, although life in the workhouse might be hard, it […]
Eastington Playgroup – vacancy
Vacancy: Play Assistant We are currently looking for a Play Assistant to join our small team at our popular village Playgroup, located at Eastington Community Centre, Snakey Lane, Eastington, Stonehouse. We provide care for children aged from 2.5 – 4 years old. We are looking for an enthusiastic play assistant, working as part of our […]
CAB – Settled State for European Citizens
Are you a European Citizen who needs to apply for Settled Status? Following the UK’s departure from the EU, the government has launched the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS). If you are an EU national and have been resident in the UK by 31st December 2020 you can apply for settled or pre-settled status. EU nationals […]
Wild Hogs – Hedgehog Rescue
Registered Charity no: 1168800 Hedgehog admissions: 07949 976 717 General Enquiries: wildhogsoffice@gmail.com Lucky Severn Lottery Stroud District Council has launched a weekly lottery for good causes in the area. Tickets cost £1 per week and 50% of tickets sold through our page will go to Wild Hogs Hedgehog Rescue. Please support us if […]

OHMG – The story – Part 2 – paperwork!
The last article in ECN told how the land at the Owen Harris Memorial Ground, then known as the ‘Pies and Packers’ field, was bequeathed to the people of Eastington by Shirley Harris, Owen’s widow. It explained the purpose of the bequest, and how the Pavilion was obtained. However, if we go back a little […]
Volunteer to help families needing a friend
visit: https://homestartsd.org for more info
Eastington Methodist Church
At the time of writing, it looks like the constraints on what everyone can do caused by COVID-19 are going to be lifted stage by stage. As a result, we are planning a number of activities over Easter and a resumption of our other activities as and when we are allowed to do so. We […]
St Michaels and all Angels
WE ARE OPEN We are pleased to announce St Michael and All Angels Church, Eastington now has extended opening times. The church is open 7 days a week, between the approximate hours of 9am-4pm. The Stroud District Foodbank donation point at the back of the church also remains open for your donations. Many thanks […]
Frampton Village Society Talks – update
A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come to our series of 2021 illustrated talks. The talks are on Friday evenings starting at 7.30pm, normally in Frampton Village Hall. The cost is normally £3.50/per person (reduction for members) including tea/coffee &biscuits. Here is our revised provisional program for the remainder of 2021 (Covid restrictions […]
Warning of Dog Thefts
Just when many of us need our canine companions the most, dog-napping has become prevalent throughout the country. This is organised crime on a huge scale – dogs and puppies are easy to steal and worth a great deal of money – for re-sale, breeding or cruel sports. Young and pedigree dogs are obviously most […]
Editorial Feb 2021
Hello Everyone, Once again Covid has ‘kept us off the streets’, but this time we have produced our first ever on-line-only version of ECN. If you know of anyone who cannot access us on-line and would really like to have a copy, a printable version is available from our PDF library (see the ‘Other Goodies’ […]
ECLT – Fullers Close Full!
Eastington Community Land Trust Providing the Affordable homes that Eastington needs. All of the 23 affordable new homes at Fullers Close, Claypits are now fully occupied – all let to people with strong Eastington roots or close connections – and all in time for Christmas! The properties include one-bedroom bungalows, one-bedroom flats and two and […]
District Councillor Report – Jan/Feb. 2021
Can I wish you a belated Happy New Year in the hope that 2021 will be an improvement on last year. With the roll out of the Vaccine I hope that things will improve although I think this will be a gradual process. Before Christmas we had some flooding issues in Eastington. Details of the […]
Parish Matters Feb 2021
As some of you already know, Eastington Parish Council continues to meet remotely during these trying times. We are pleased to welcome Parishioners who join our meetings. We have recently welcomed another new Councillor, so we now have two council members who represent Great Oldbury. This means we still have one more vacancy. If you […]

Eastington Primary School – ‘Giving’
We do hope the readers of ECN are well and are handling the many additional challenges we are facing right now – we know life is tough for people in different ways. We hope you are managing to find little pleasures where you can – playing a board game, enjoying a walk around the village, […]

Playgroup – Winter
Charity number 1084981 OFSTED Registration No. 101782 We have been happy to welcome back so many of our children after the Christmas holidays. We enjoyed the build up to Christmas with lots of craft, biscuit decorating (Covid friendly) and performing Christmas songs to parents on our Facebook page. Since being back we have […]
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