Editorial Feb 2021

Hello Everyone,

Once again Covid has ‘kept us off the streets’, but this time we have produced our first ever on-line-only version of ECN. If you know of anyone who cannot access us on-line and would really like to have a copy, a printable version is available from our PDF library (see the ‘Other Goodies’ tab on our website). I am happy to print one off at home for anyone on request – just let us know.

We were delighted to see the news from the school that both their in-school and ‘digital learning’ programmes are working well – all credit to the school and to all you parents who are working so hard to help our little people to flourish in such difficult times.

We were also pleased to see that ‘Team Badger’ is once again offering their free meal service in the community – if you know of anyone (including yourself!) who is elderly, vulnerable or alone and who might welcome a home-cooked pub meal now and again, please give them a ring (see page 18) and a volunteer will deliver.

Our thanks to them and to all in the community who are going out of their way to help others.

You will be seeing this magazine without the familiar ‘blue pages’ – but do not forget that we have a host of established and trusted local tradespeople around us, many of whom are still able to provide their services. Please support them where you can. Find them by clicking the ‘blue pages’ tab on our website.
We hope that by the time the next edition comes around, in April, many of us will have had our jabs and the situation will be easing – hang on in there!

Stay safe
Jan, Tom and Mary.