Dog Mess We know that most of you are civilised people and pick up after your dog. If you are not one of these people, yet, please read on. You would not leave your own poo on people’s doorsteps, or gardens or on the pavement, would you? Then why leave your dog’s?? (Or allow your […]
Author: admin

Eastington Community Orchards – Xmas Packs now on sale
The current restrictions made it hard for ECO members to organise picking, pressing and bottling sessions. Never-the-less, in small groups and in thoroughly Covid-cognisant conditions, we have harvested and preserved around 350 litres of natures bounty. Our Christmas elves have been busy packaging some of this into the ever-popular Christmas gift packs for you to […]
Eastington Methodist Church
There seems to be a widespread fear that Christmas will be cancelled this year or truncated to the point that it loses much of its value. The gift of the birth of Jesus Christ cannot be cancelled by the presence of a virus even if it has the capacity to cause mayhem and misery – […]
Great Oldbury Academy
Great Oldbury academy will be opening next September, with its new head teacher Hayley Hall
Coronavirus Help
Eastington Volunteers Coronavirus Helpline A big thank you to all the kind volunteers who have been answering calls on the Eastington Volunteers Coronavirus helpline, keeping a watchful eye on the face book page, and helping wherever they can. We have closed the phone line for the time being as there have been no calls for […]
St Michael and All Angels Church
St Michael and All Angels Church, Eastington remains open for private prayer and reflection between the approximate hours of 9am-3pm (light and weather permitting) Thursdays to Sundays. At the time of writing, it is unclear what the situation will be for Church services, both online and in Church buildings from December 2020. For the latest […]
Editorial 183
Hello Everyone,, The evenings are really drawing in now, and there can be little doubt that our half of the world is slowly turning that little bit further away from the sun. But with that comes the harvest – which, if the community orchard is anything to go by, has been a bumper one. Even […]
Parish Matters 183
As I am writing this, the summer seems to have deserted us. I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the sunshine while it was around – and I hope you are all staying safe as Covid-19 rears its ugly head again. We are still having problems with litter in the Playpark and I become […]

Poppy Appeal 2020
Covid-19 has affected our society in many ways, and the Poppy Appeal is not exempt. The Appeal will go ahead, steps have been taken to ensure all Poppy Appeal activity is safe and in alignment with both national and regional regulations. There will be new ways to support the Appeal, but sadly the traditional door […]
District Councillor’s Newsletter 183
There is a Chinese Proverb “May you not live in interesting times” and at the moment we do seem to be living in interesting times. There is much talk of a new normal, but as soon as we figure what that is, it seems to change. As I write this we are facing increased restrictions […]

The Eastington Autumn VIRTUAL Flower and Veg Show
Once again, we were not able to show off/admire all the wonderful veg and arrays of flowers that people have been growing – well not in the flesh anyway. But Dale Haines came to the rescue again and arranged a virtual show for us – and he and the committee would like to thank all […]
Fireworks at home will be a popular choice for households this year due to COVID-19 and this is a plea for you to consider others when planning your display – especially if other than on Nov 5th. The noises from loud fireworks are known to terrorise pet dogs and cats as as well as horses, […]
Eastington Horse & Dog Show
Unfortunately, due to the COVID 19 restrictions, we have been unable to hold this year’s show. The Committee would like to thank the Sponsors and all who have supported us in the past years and hope we will be up and running next year. As you may know, the Show has been going for 80 […]

Horses at Swallowcroft
It’s lovely to see the horses in the fields behind Swallowcroft, but please do not try to feed them – even with pulled up grass. Horses can very easily be made ill by eating the wrong thing – (and almost everything is the wrong thing!!) – and please do not enter their field, horses are […]
The Canal Vs the A38 at Whitminster roundabout – on TV!
As most of us are only too well aware, the scheme to restore the route of the Stroudwater Navigation Canal across the A38 (and eventually the Motorway) is now well advanced. This part of the plan is being paid for out of a Highways special budget. It was in order to build the M5 and […]

Eastington Primary School
Our new academic year 2020-2021 is well underway and in Class 3 we have been so excited to be back at school. Everyone is pleased to be learning together again and enjoying being with new and old friends.
We are absolutely delighted to have welcomed all of our children back to playgroup this term. It’s been great to see so many of the children whom attended with us before lockdown and meet some new friends who are starting out on their playgroup journey. All children (and parents) have adapted really well to the […]
Eastington Cricket Club
2020 has been a very difficult and different season to normal. First of all the good news: We have retained the Stroud League Division 1 Champions Cup from last year as it is not relevant this year. It still sits proudly on the captain’s piano! We arranged 3 pre season net sessions in March and […]
Eastington Community Land Trust
ECLT Project One Fullers Close NOW Available for bids on Homeseeker Aster Homes began advertising 12 of the Fullers Close properties for rent, via the Homeseeker Plus lettings system. The following are avaiable for bidding until October 6th : 1 x Three bed semi 6 x Two bed semi 2 x First Floor one bed […]

Community Centre
Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground All on the Committee are hoping that everyone in our vibrant Community is well and that you are all coping with all the continual changes that we have to deal with due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Things seem to be changing by the day and as […]
Wild Hogs Hedgehog rescue
Hedgehog admissions 07949 976717 General enquiries Although the weather is starting to feel more Autumnal, we are still getting reports of hedgehogs giving birth to litters. Please be aware that there may be nests in compost bins, under sheds or decking and in areas of undergrowth. If you disturb a nest, please call […]
A famous but forgotten Eastingtonian
By Stephen Mills For a sleepy little village, we have had our share of well known connections from farther afield. For example, Henry Hicks (Lord of the Manor and mill owner) built Eastington Park and was a close friend of Edward Jenner of smallpox fame, and the De Lyle Bush family were pals with the […]
Edwin Budding and the Grass Shearing Machine
Edwin Budding was born in Eastington late in 1795, the illegitimate son of a farmer. He began to work for a carpenter, but moved into the iron foundries, and became a freelance engineer because he was good at solving engineering problems. Between 1825 and 1830 he developed a pistol that was allegedly better than Sam […]

Eastington Community Orchard Group
Due to the Covid situation, The ECO group will not be holding a public Apple Day this year. However, apples still grow – so we are processing as many as we can, in small groups, to ensure that there are some supplies of bottled sunshine for those who want them. They will be going on […]
The old shop
This shop will be remembered by many as ‘Hunt’s Shop’, and later as the newsagents ‘Eastington Mews’.
Eastington Methodist Church
“Hope Springs Eternal” As some of you will know, my mum has been ill with bone cancer as a secondary to breast cancer, over recent months and died, as a result on 17th August. So why the title to this article? Why am I not overcome with sadness (although I do miss my mum)? Why, […]
Eastington and Whitminster Baby and Toddler Groups
First I must apologise to all our mums, dads and carers that I’ve been so quiet over the lockdown period. During that time my mum was very ill and later went home to be with Jesus, so I was fully employed with that. I have missed seeing all of you, and have enjoyed bumping into […]
The Hollies Care Centre
A win win for the area of Dursley and South Cotswolds! The Hollies is set to open the all new Holly Oak Dementia Care Home in Autumn 2020 providing state of the art care in comfortable and luxurious surroundings. The Hollies will now comprise the well established Hollies Nursing Care Home, Holly Oak Dementia Care […]
St Michaels and All Angels
There will be no Harvest Festival, due to Covid, but we will be making a Harvest offering via the Stroud food bank. The church has a collection point just inside the door for your gifts. Stroud food Bank will also be collecting food donations on a regular basis after Harvest – so please come and […]
Halloween Trail
Sadly, this year, due to Covid there will no organised ‘Trick or Treat’ Halloween trail for the children – BUT that does not mean no trail! Everyone can join in the Eastington Halloween Window trail! Just get crafty and adorn your window with something spooky. It is half term during the week leading up to […]
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