Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground We are very lucky in the Eastington Community to have the great facilities at the Owen Harris Memorial Ground with the Community Centre, wonderful public field and play park areas. All thanks are due to many, many local people who over decades have worked tirelessly as volunteers […]
Author: admin

Stephen Mills – Hidden History in the Landscape
There are many reminders of our ancestors lives and activities that remain in the countryside around us. This might be the pattern of lanes and footpaths still in use, or field boundaries unchanged for centuries. However, there are also more subtle hints that only become visible under certain conditions – one such example is known […]
Great Oldbury School – Little Learners
Great Oldbury School….coming along…

Longfields – Jurrasic Challenge
Longfield Hospice Virtual Jurassic Coastline Challenge 8 January 2021 – 31 March 2021 If you are looking for a new challenge to get stuck into? Longfield Hospice many have just the answer. Following the success of their virtual Grand Canyon Challenge last year, the Hospice is looking for people to sign up to a new adventure and […]
Frampton Surgery
The Surgery Whitminster Lane , Frampton-on-Severn, Glos GL2 7HU Tel: (01452) 740213 Email: frampton.surgery@nhs.net Website: www.framptonsurgery.co.uk Dr V Blackburn, Dr L Benson, Dr V Mason, Dr R Pead, Dr H Van’t Hoff Dr S Wood & Mr T Brock-Hastings Frampton Surgery Update The surgery would like to wish a Happy New Year to all patients. […]
Eastington Cricket Club
Although we managed to play a few away games in the summer the winter indoor leagues have been cancelled. Pre season nets have been arranged for 11 am on 21st March, 28th March, and 11th April and a pre league friendly on 25th April – but whether or not these take place will depend on […]
Frampton Village Society Talks – 2021
A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come to our series of 2021 illustrated talks held in Frampton on Severn which we hope will be of interest to local people. The talks are on Friday evenings starting at 7.30pm in our Village Hall and are organised by Frampton on Severn Village Society, which raises […]
CAB – Help with employment problems
Help with employment problems during Covid pandemic. If you or anyone you know has difficulties with the employment situation, please know that we are able to offer advice by Freephone and email (but sadly as yet, not face to face contact). Unfortunately, the number of enquiries about Employment problems has soared over the last 10 […]
Weather round-up
Eastington Methodist Church
The lockdown which started at the beginning of the year has meant that we had to suspend our Youth Club and Toddler Group meetings until circumstances improve and the regulations relax. After prayerful consideration and consultation with our members, it was decided to continue the 11am Sunday Morning services within the church building which is […]
St Michaels and All Angels
St Michael and All Angels Church, Eastington remains open for private prayer and reflection between the approximate hours of 9am-3pm (light and weather permitting) Thursdays to Sundays. If there are any changes due to COVID-19, these will be widely circulated on our Facebook page, which you can access by searching “Eastington Church”. Details will also […]

Old Badger Inn – Community meals
During the lockdown, Team Badger is once again offering Free meals on Friday for the elderly or vulnerable. No fuss – just call us on 01453 822 892 each Thursday between 10am – 2pm to place an order for you or a loved one who is in need of a home-cooked pub meal. – And […]
Weather roundup – photos
Some nice photos of our ‘interesting’ weather have turned up on face book recently, here are a few…
The Local Plan Review and what it means for Whitminster.
A background to the Local Plan Review – and what it means for Whitminster. Stroud District Council has to provide a ‘Local Plan’ indicating where future development might reasonably take place over a given period. This Plan is reviewed every 5 years or so. The current ‘live’ plan (which included Great Oldbury) was adopted in […]
Coronavirus Help The Eastington Volunteers Coronavirus helpline phone number is now closed – the number of calls dwindled to zero – hopefully because everyone has found a way to access any help they need. However, help is still available through Facebook : ‘Eastington Coronavirus Community Volunteers’ or ‘Love Eastington’ – there are still plenty of […]
Editorial 184
Your news… your ECN! Written by You, Produced by Tom & Jan Low and Mary Gribble. Hello Everyone, With Halloween, Bonfire night and most of this horrid year behind us, the countdown to Christmas has clearly begun. Hopefully we will be able to see some of our friends and family in some way or another […]

Virtual Christmas Market
As this year is a little different Eastington School Parents’ Association have setup Eastington Virtual Christmas Market, a private group on Facebook, where small businesses can sell their products and people can shop for nice Christmas presents in the absence of traditional markets. All sellers are asked if they would kindly donate a percentage of […]
Eastington Community Centre
Eastington Community Centre and Owen Harris Memorial Ground At the time of writing we are over half way through our second lockdown which has meant that for the second time our sports clubs and evening classes have been unable to use the facilities at the Community Centre since November 5th but hopefully it won’t be […]
Old Friends at Swallowcroft
These beautiful horses, that have become a familiar sight at Swallowcroft, are moving on. Jackie and Samantha would like to say: “A big Thank You to the lovely people of Eastington who took our horses into their hearts. Sadly we will be leaving soon.” … and Neil Darwent posted this on Facebook about […]
Cotswold Canals Trust
From a report by John Newton Vice Chair, Cotswold Canals Trust Today the National Lottery Heritage Fund formally announced confirmation of a £9 million grant to enable reconnection of the canal to the national inland waterways network at Saul Junction, thereby enabling vessels to navigate to Stonehouse and then on to Stroud. In 2018 Prince […]
We have been very busy so far this term, and have taken all of the opportunities the good weather has had to offer and spent lots of time outside. We have looked a lot at safety especially around fireworks this year. With firework displays cancelled we decided to let every child have the experience of […]

Poppy Appeal 2020 – a success!
An amazing £1525.32 was dropped into the Poppy Appeal tins in Eastington District this year. Due to the Covid restrictions, we were not able to have our normal door-to-door collections, and the number of static collecting places was massively reduced – so we really were not expecting to raise such a huge amount. On behalf […]
District Councillors’ News Dec 2020
I’m sure you all know by now of the success by Cotswold Canals Connected in getting the funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration of the Stroudwater Canal through Eastington, and onwards to Saul Junction. This will involve three years of hard work, which should come to fruition in 2024. Work at the […]
A Famous but Forgotten Eastingtonian – Rediscovered!
Last time we learnt about Charles Alexander Hooper, born in Eastington in 1869 who went on to become a leading character the world of rugby in the 1890s. His name recently came to light again via an amazing chance discovery…. The Middlesex team of 1895-96, with Hooper as captain in the middle. The photograph formed […]
Are you being scammed? Advice from CAB
Citizens Advice Stroud & Cotswold has the following advice:- ● Be suspicious if you are contacted out of the blue, even if it’s from a name you recognise ● If it sounds too good to be true it probably is ● Don’t be rushed – you never need to make a decision straight away ! […]
Parish Matters Dec. 2020
I hope you are all well and coping with this second lockdown. I would like to think we can look forward to as near a normal Christmas as possible. It is with much sadness that I have to report the death of Jill Simmons. She passed away on October 21st and will be greatly missed […]
Eastington Community Land Trust Ltd. (ECLT)
Eastington Community Land Trust Ltd. (ECLT) Providing the affordable homes that Eastington needs Completing 23 homes in December 2020 After seven months of working under Covid-compliant procedures, E G Carter will deliver all 23 homes in December, exactly as they promised in May post-lockdown. That is very impressive project management, not only of managing […]
Mrs Louisa Cowley – and a strange coincidence
Some of the older residents of the village will doubtless remember the late Mrs Louisa Cowley. Along with her husband Maurice, she lived in Eastington for most of her long and interesting life, a life than spanned three centuries! Louisa was born in 1898 in the village of Berry Hill, a mile or so from […]

Wild Hogs Hedgehog Rescue
Thank you for your support of this charity which cares for and rehabilitates sick and injured hedgehogs. We are remaining open to admissions during lockdown. If you find a sick or injured hedgehog, please call us to arrange a no-contact handover. Hedgehog admissions: 07949 976717 General Enquiries: wildhogsoffice@gmail.com Hibernation guide Hibernation is a natural part […]

In previous years volunteers have organised a group Halloween Walk around the village, however we were unable to do this in 2020 due to social distancing. We therefore came up with the idea of a Halloween Trail during Autumn half term, 19th – 30th October, which could raise funds for Eastington School. The trail featured […]
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