Sunday June 26th 10 am – 2 pm Have a de-clutter – and/or walk around and grab a bargain! £5 sellers fee, proceeds to Eastington Church. Maps will be available on the day from the Badger and the Co-op and from the ECN website and on Facebook. Don’t miss out! Here is the link […]
Author: admin
Rotary in the Severn Vale
I’m happy to confirm that we are maintaining our regular breakfasts 07.00/07.30 at The Whitminster Inn on first and third Tuesday of each month. Our gatherings are always enjoyable with most having an interesting and often entertaining speaker. Recent speakers have included Stuart Watts, a local man, from Retro Track & Air Ltd. This family […]
Longfield – Run the rainbow
Coming in June the Stanley Players’ presents two murder mystery comedies! In Michael Snelgrove’s Hidden Meanings a Fraud Squad investigator looking into the disappearance of £300,000 from a company’s accounts, doesn’t expect to walk in on Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, or to find himself investigating a case of murder. But in this hilarious farce, […]
Memories of Middlehall Farm
Stephen Mills The Covid pandemic had many of us isolating for protracted periods. Some (like me!) probably spent too much time in front of the television, although others used their time more productively, catching up with various things that had been put off for too long. Such was the case with former Eastington resident Dan […]
St. Michael and All Angels Church Eastington
The Austerity Lunch held at the Church on 30th April attracted over 60 supporters and the event proved to be a great success. About eight different soups were on offer complimented by a range of puddings and many folk came back for second (or more!) helpings. We were most fortunate to have enjoyed glorious weather […]
Red Kite over Eastington
20 years ago this would have been a rare sight – Red Kites were virtually extinct in England, due to persecution, destruction of habitat and use of pesticides. They were still present in Wales and they were re-introduced into the Chilterns. They have since spread their wings as it were, and moved back into Gloucestershire. […]
Frampton Village Society Talks
A warm welcome is extended to everyone to come to our series of 2022 illustrated talks which we hope will be of interest to all local people. The talks are ‘normally‘ on Friday evenings starting at 7.30pm in our Village Hall, but during Covid we have been organising some talks electronically via Zoom. We are […]
Eastington Methodist Church
Last Autumn, we announced that the members of the church voted to leave the Methodist Church of Great Britain denomination. This is proving to be a long drawn out process and we are looking to God to bring about a satisfactory or even miraculous outcome.. The decision has been made to close Eastington Methodist Church […]
Frampton Surgery Update
Patient Participation Group (PPG). We continue to work with the surgery to improve the service. If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, please email in confidence, or call Ali on 741988, or Jane on 740964. You can also contact the Practice Manager, Claire Farragher direct via – select ‘Administration Office’ and […]
Betty Barnfield
Betty passed away peacefully on Wednesday 27th April, aged 102. A service of thanksgiving for the her life was held at Eastington Church on Friday 20th May. Betty featured in ECN on the happy occasion of her 100th birthday, and had previously written for us about her memories of WWII. She was well known and […]
Editorial April 2022
Hello again, We are still enjoying the early spring as I write. What a joy to see – and feel – some real sunshine, to see the blossom and emerging flowers, and to see more people out and about. Even if there is cold weather in the forecast, this welcome taster is bringing hope of […]
Eastington Primary School – World Book Day
World Book Day 2022 Class 4 pupils have been learning about writing Blogs in their computing lessons. Below are some Blogs about World Book Day. Thursday 3rd March, 2022 Dear Blog, Today for World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite book characters. I dressed up as ‘Dog Man’ (from the creator of Captain […]
News from our Stroud District Councillors – April 2022
The planning application for the Eco Park on both sides of the A419, between J13 of the M5 and Chipman’s Platt has been registered at Ebley Mill. It is numbered S.22/0206/OUT and can be found on the SDC planning portal site. It differs from the application approved for the FGR stadium in that, as well […]
Eastington Playgroup April 2022
We’ve had a very busy term so far and may the weather continue! Chinese New Year – the year of the tiger, sparked some interesting new foods to try. The children have enjoyed making Chinese lanterns and dragons. During the Winter Olympic games, we used maps to discover and explore our world, looked at different […]

Eastington Cricket Club
The usual pre season tension is in the air: Where did I leave my cricket kit at the end of last season and did I wash my kit after the last game? Those who found their kit (and washed it!) have had two net sessions already. There are two more arranged: ● Sunday April 3rd, […]
Eastington Craft and Chat Group
We enjoyed a lovely day out at Cheltenham Craft Festival in Cheltenham Town Hall. It was a very interesting day, the crafts on display were truly amazing – and although quite expensive I’m sure were well worth the money. We had a rest and coffees in the cafe, then some of us had a wander […]
Eastington’s coal wharf
Stephen Mills For more than two centuries, the Stroudwater Canal was one of Eastington’s most important features. Opened in 1779, its arrival cut through the village, creating an important trade route to the ‘outside’ world. At the time, its impact must have been significant, perhaps as great as when the M5 sliced through the parish […]
Walking for Longfield
Remember a loved one by taking part in this year’s Walk Longfield Community Hospice will be hosting a spring walk at 10.30 am on Sunday 15 May and encourages locals to sign up for the perfect family day out. The ‘Walk for Longfield’ will offer a choice of 5 or 10K routes, setting off from […]

Wild Hogs in your garden
Traditionally, spring is the time hedgehogs emerge from hibernation. This year, the weather has been so mild that many of them haven’t hibernated or have only done so for a short time. This means they need food and water, at a time when their natural food is limited. Hedgehogs naturally eat earthworms, beetles, bugs and […]
Do you play ukulele? Would like to learn? Come and join us on a Monday evening at 7:00pm in the Kings Stanley village hall. We are a small, friendly and informal group of players of various abilities know as The Stanley Strummers. Complete beginners welcome. If you think you might be interested in joining us […]
Coffee and Chat at the Badger on Tuesdays
Just let people know that after a 2 year break, the afternoon coffee and chat is back! 2:30 to 4:30 in the Old Badger, each Tuesday afternoon. With a quiz thrown in as well. Everyone welcome – Do come and join us!
Farewell to Eastington Horse Show
It is with great sadness, due to the ongoing development in the area, that after all these years we will have to call a closure on Eastington Horse Show. The 26th Annual Show was held at Claypits in 1951 – the first show being held in 1925, so has been going for 97 years, possibly […]
Severn Vale Rotary
ROTARY in the SEVERN VALE We are so glad to have been able to continue with our fortnightly breakfasts at The Whitminster Inn and have enjoyed some exceptional speakers. In just the last few weeks we have enjoyed the knowledge and experience from newly appointed manager Stevie Edge-McKie of Farms for City Children about the […]
Eastington Parish Council April 2022
New defibrillator installed A new portable AED (Automated External Defibrillator) has been installed in Great Oldbury at the Travelodge Hotel entrance. Defibrillators are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest. This is when the victim’s heart stops beating, they will collapse, lose consciousness, and will stop breathing. A sudden cardiac arrest can strike without warning. An […]
Millend/Cress Green Path
We asked County Councillor Nick Housden why the renovation of this path had stopped half way. He has replied: “We have completed the section of the pathway that was in the worst condition and in the new financial year there are plans to complete the entirety of this path.”
Eastington Methodist Church
At this time of year new life is breaking out all over the place as the days get longer and the weather warmer. This coincides nicely with the timing of Easter when, on the third day after His execution on the cross, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead to bring us all new life. […]
St Michaels and All Angels Church
We have a full programme of services and other events for Easter which are set out below and fortunate to have services both for Palm Sunday and the following week on Easter Day although at the earlier time of 10.30am. After the Easter break, we are arranging an Austerity Lunch for Ukraine on 30th April […]

Rev. Steve Harrison – Prayers for Ukraine
From Rector Steve March 2022 Dear friends I am sure you share in my disbelief and sadness that the ongoing conflict Russia is imposing on the people of Ukraine. I have commented to a few people that I battle to believe that this is happening. It’s not that I can’t process the facts, it is […]
Editorial 191 – Feb 2022
Hello Everyone – and a Very Happy New Year to you. New Year Resolutions? Dry-anuary? Veganuary? Hmm it can all get a bit pressurised. I think the trick must be to make sure that any ‘New You’ decisions you make really do suit your own life and personality. Class 3 in our school seem to […]
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