Parish Matters 178

As many of you may already be aware, our Parish Clerk, Julie Shirley, resigned in October. We would like to thank her for giving us four and a half years of outstanding work, and we wish her every success in her new ventures. Julie has left the Council in a very healthy position as a Gold Standard Council.
In the interim period we would like to welcome Anita Sach, Clerk. Anita has provided temporary support for us in the past and we know that we are in safe hands. The vacant Clerk/RFO position is already advertised and we are hoping to appointing a new, permanent clerk before Christmas.

Memorial Garden
After what could be considered a ‘shaky start’, the contractors have completed the initial work on the Memorial Garden. Whilst awaiting the next phase of planting in the Spring, Councillors will cover the ground with weed suppressant.

Spring Hill and Bath Road
Following extensive negotiation, Highways have agreed the amount of money they will allocate to improving the pedestrian paths along sections of both Spring Hill and Bath Road. At the last council meeting it was agreed by Council to go ahead as soon as possible.

Snakey Park
Improvements to the Play Park are also imminent, and we are currently waiting for our chosen contractors to begin work. They need to try out a sample of the material they will use to repair areas, and this work is very dependent on weather conditions.

Great Oldbury
Council has had leaflets printed to welcome the new residents and these will have been delivered by the time you read this.

All minutes and reports are available on our website- or get in touch with the Clerk if you have any queries.

Muriel Bullock Chair 07715 962309