Eastington Primary School

Eastington Primary SchoolAs a school we have recently had a ‘Whole School Health Week.’
We were very fortunate to receive visits from people who were experts in different aspects of health and participate in lots of new activities. Lessons during the week focused on resilience by making ourselves a Superhero, developing our self-confidence and a pride in ‘being me’.
We enjoyed mindfulness sessions with Mandy Johnson, we were taught strategies and techniques for relaxing. Class 5 took some time to learn some adapted yoga moves for children, taught by Mrs Mifflin which Class 5 then shared with other children too.
On a slightly more energetic note, we also had Mr Meloscia organising circuits for us and Miss Mills teaching all the classes some groovy moves in her Street Dance sessions.
Children were thrilled when Mr Powell led a whole school assembly on the 5 Ways To Wellbeing:
Take notice – Keep learning – Be active – Connect – Give
This is something we are going to develop even further to make our playtimes extra fun for everyone.
By the School Council