St Michaels and All Angels

News from our Church.

To enable our clergy to cover more services on Sunday the times of services across all 15 parishes will in future be one of the following: 08.00, 09.30, 11.15 and 18.00. The Eastington morning service will start at 11.15 from the 8th of April with a 6pm lay led Evensong on the third Sunday as normal.

New Team Vicar the Revd Liz Palin has been appointed as the second Team Vicar for the Stroudwater Team. She is currently an Associate Priest with the North Cheltenham Team Ministry. Her licensing at Eastington will be by Bishop Rachel on the 24th of April at 7.00pm. All welcome at the service, refreshments will be served after the service. Liz and her family will live at

Frampton, and she will start work with us on May 8th.

The new Stroudwater Team are planning on putting on displays in some of the churches to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War which happens this year to be Sunday the 11th November. See website for details of what is happening all over the country.

We are hoping that we will be able to borrow some of the items that Julie used on her wonderful Christmas Tree of the fallen from Eastington at Christmas Tree festival last year but are also asking if anyone else in the village has old photos, artefacts and memorabilia from both the first and second world wars about the fallen from Eastington or village life then and if so would be willing to loan to us to enable us to put together an exhibition in the church.

We are hoping to run, at the same time, a First World War café selling food from that period whilst the exhibition is on. If you think you could help in any way with this or have things that could be loaned to us please telephone Jacky Naylor on 01453 822728.

A Letter from Robin Harris

Thank you for such a colourful centre page spread in Issue 167. It really expressed that sense of joy which is such an essential part of Christmas. The amount of work and the imagination displayed by the entrants was truly amazing. In addition to being a very happy social event it was also successful as the churches’ major fund-raising event of the year making more than £800 surplus after meeting all costs incurred in staging the event. This would not have happened without the support of the people of Eastington who deserve a mighty “THANK YOU”.

As Convener of a small Working Group charged with fund raising on behalf of the PCC I would just like to remind your readers that the churches’ ministry, items such as Clergy salaries and pensions, and the upkeep of its historic buildings relies entirely upon voluntary contributions. There is no support from Central or Local government. So support from the local community is crucial.

Not everybody wishes to subscribe to the Anglican ministry of the Church of England but would, nevertheless, wish to see the building handed down to us by so many generations who have lived and worshipped in this Parish, preserved for future generations to enjoy. To enable people to provide practical support for this the PCC has a Fabric Fund to which they can subscribe which is dedicated to maintaining the fabric of the building and improving physical facilities for visitors. In addition, the PCC has established the “Friends of St. Michaels” whose purpose is to support fund raising specifically for achieving these objectives.

If you would like more information on this or wish to make a donation please contact me or either of the Church Wardens, Mike Naylor (828682),or Muriel Bullock (826172). Donations can be gift aided if you are a Tax payer.

Yours sincerely,

W. Robin Harris