The new railway bridge at the Ocean

Preparations had been going on for months; the towpath had been closed, and the massive concrete sections had been delivered on site. Eventually the time came and the huge, huge crane began to lift the sections into place……

It was all very exciting, and small crowds gathered daily to watch the show. There was a forest of cameras and long lenses – although much of the time they were disarmed, distracted and totally focused on one member of the resident team – a kingfisher had taken up post on an old part of the wall and was enjoying the bounty of an increased fish-to-water ratio in the dammed off canal. He was there every day of the operation, totally unfazed by all the goings on – and is now rather fat!

On behalf of the Cotswold Canals Connected Partnership, Network Rail ‘s skilled team of 150 people worked around the clock from 10pm on Friday 24 December to 4am on Saturday 1st January .

The bridge was completed on time, and (Covid problems apart) trains are now running normally. A fantastic achievement.
A system of pumps and pipes will keep the water moving until the canal is slowly refilled early next year. The towpath remains closed until March 2022