Eastington Primary School – Feb 2022

2022 is now well under way and Class 3 have been thinking about new year resolutions linked to our school values.

Through our regular assemblies and PSHE lessons, we have been talking about aiming high together to be:

● Kind – show respect and care
● Co-operative – work well together
● Resilient – keep trying
● Responsible – reflect and learn
● Ambitious – challenge yourself

Getting on with everybody in our school is highly valued and we have kindness at the heart of everything we do.
We endeavour to look after ourselves, each other and the wider world.
We also want everyone to be the best they can be.

Here are some of our resolutions associated with :-



“Listening to my friends and playing with them, also cheering them up.” Mila.

“Being kind to my friends when they need help in the playground.” Olivia.


Be co-operative:

“Working together to improve my stamina at running.” Teddy.

“Working with my team to improve my goalkeeping skills.” Callum.

“Work hard in my group to get better at my times tables.” Braxton.

Be ambitious:

“To improve playing the piano and get better with both hands.” Thea and Emily.

“To improve my dribbling, shooting and passing the ball with football.” Evan.

“To improve my handwriting so my sentences are really good.” Cammari.

Be responsible:

“To improve swimming on my front and try really hard.” Alice.

“To improve my joining to make my handwriting so much better.” Foley.

“To get better at times tables and mental maths.” Charlotte.

“To improve my driving skills and take responsibility on my X-box.” Leo.


Be resilient:

“To improve my reading and writing even when it gets tricky.” Tess.

“To stick at and improve my ukulele playing.” Sakura.

“To tackle better at rugby even if it takes a long time.” Cory.

“Do what it takes to score a try!” Sam.

In the coming weeks and months we will all look forward to see how everyone is getting on with their new year resolutions.
In Class 3, we want to support each other to achieve them and make ourselves proud.