Parish Matters 179

Firstly, on behalf of Eastington Parish Council, I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy New Year.

For your Councillors, 2020 will be a busy year with planning issues and May’s council elections on the horizon. Also, we are looking forward to our celebration of 125 years of EPC, which will be a part of the Annual Parish Meeting.

At the time of writing we are preparing to interview candidates for the post of Parish Clerk. I’m pleased to say we have three strong, well qualified applicants. We have been very fortunate that our very experienced Assistant Clerk, Anita Sach, has been able to support the parish during the vacancy period.

As parishioners will appreciate, planning matters have taken up a lot of council time. Many of you will be closely following the Ecotricity/FGR application. The current situation is that, with the support our MP and District Councillors, our request for the application to be called in to the Secretary of State for determination should be decided by the end of January.

Those of you who regularly walk through the burial ground will no doubt be pleased to see how colourful and tidy it is. Could we gently remind all dog owners that their animals should be on a lead when walking through the burial ground and church yard.

This May’s parish council election will be for eleven councillors. Should you be interested in putting your name forward as a candidate, information will be publicised on the parish notice board (by the Co-op) nearer the time. In addition, I would be pleased to hear from you and answer any questions you might have.

Muriel Bullock

Chair of Eastington Parish Council Tel: 01453 826172 / 07715 962309