After much deliberation the show was rescheduled for the end of August to avoid Gatcombe and Pony Club Camps.
Other than a slight spell of rain the morning, the weather remained fine.
Generally, entries were up on last year, increased in many classes. The coloured sections seemed to be as popular as ever.
The Show Jumping reached a crescendo in the later classes with some very competitive jumping over the larger fences with challenging courses built by Andrew Bingham.
Barrie Yeates’s magnificent Shires, always a great attraction were again among the prizes.
The Dog Show (an innovation) was run by Emma Reece and her daughter Sophie, it was well supported, and competitors appeared to be enjoying themselves. It was unfortunate the mower ran out of petrol Friday evening before completion!
So much work goes into getting this show on the road, with much input from the Pitcher family, Paula being such an efficient Secretary.
The Judges lunches were kindly donated and prepared by Amanda Downton and were very much enjoyed by Judges and their Stewards.
The Dressage did not have as many entries as last year, but the Judge had some quality tests to mark in this lovely setting.
Alan with his road and parking team had a long day, but the road layout seemed to work efficiently.
Across the board so many people generously gave their time, without whom it would not be possible to stage this show.
Thanks to Mr Dale Vince and Barrie Yeates and the many generous sponsors.