Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who
supported our recent Bingo evening, we had a brilliant turnout with some fabulous prizes on offer. We made a healthy profit and this has enabled us to purchase some new toys and replace some tired ones too.
Thank you to all that donated prizes, many local businesses were very generous, Redrow developers donated a Kindle and we had some meal vouchers with many other offerings. We will definitely organise another bingo evening following the successful turnout to this one. We will keep you all posted.
Last term we looked at occupations and invited various professions into playgroup which the children thoroughly enjoyed. The police talked to the children about stranger danger and in an emergency, we should go to a police officer if we are lost.
The vet brought in her dog which the children loved stroking and learning about being safe with other people’s dogs.
We used the money raised at the Christmas nativity to pay for a Bristol Zoo experience. They came in and showed us some cockroaches, scorpions, a tarantula and a giant snail all of which were very fascinating.
We also enjoyed a little trip along to the Kings Head for afternoon tea where the children saw Angela make hot chocolate for everyone which was delicious.
We have a very full half term ahead and are organising the Village Egg Hunt in conjunction with Eastington Primary School which will be held on Saturday 6th April at the start of the Easter holidays. This is a great family day out with a theme of Disney Pixar. Don’t forget to put this date in your diary.
Preparing ahead, we continue with our support for the children leaving us to start school in September by running our Pre School Sessions at Eastington Primary School. These sessions will be available for the children that are lucky to be offered a place at our fantastic local school.
If you would like any information regarding this or Playgroup in general please contact us and we will be happy to have a chat.
Our playgroup offers care and education for all children
from 2 ½ years to 4 years 11 months
in a well established community based group.
We offer your children a safe and stimulating environment in which they can grow
and blossom into self confident, self reliant and positive little people.
Our ultimate goal is to enable the children to have fun, explore and have the freedom to express their individuality,
while forming the basis of their education.
We currently have a few spaces left and operate 4 days a week offering full and half day sessions and we accept government nursery vouchers and other types of employer supported childcare vouchers.
If you would like more details please contact our administrator Michelle
07977 342 742 – email
or visit our website
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