Defibrillators in the Parish

The ‘Automatic External Defibrillators’ are portable units that can be used to stabilise a heart rhythm in certain medical situations. We now have four defibrillators:

  • Westend Suites – on the outside wall of the first business unit on the right
  • Eastington Community Centre – left of the front door
  • St Michael’s Church – on the outside wall of the Lychgate inside the churchyard
  • Old Badger Inn – on the front wall

All four are available 24 hours a day. No special training is needed to use the defibrillator. In the event of a medical emergency please call 999 as normal and the operator will direct you to the closest defibrillator and talk you through how to use it.

The defibrillators are checked monthly by the parish council and we have a contract with

Community Heartbeat Trust to maintain the equipment.

The Parish Council is grateful to funds raised in the parish via Old Badger Inn, Westend Suites and Eastington Horse Show that has enabled us to purchase these defibrillators for the parish.