Eastington Primary School

Class 3 have been excited about coming back to school after the summer holiday! In these first few weeks the new Y3/4 children have been getting to know each other and learning the importance of friendship.
They have taken inspiration from their English focus which is all about fables. The children have enjoyed listening and retelling stories with a moral e.g Aesop’s fables. Important messages such as “Treat others as you’d like to be treated” and “Little friends make great friends” have proved to be very valuable.

All of the children have had fun playing games together such as Duck, Duck, Goose, Ladders and many team activities. This has resulted in new friendships and learning how to give and take.

In Circle time the children have been talking about the qualities of a friend and here are some of their thoughts…

Lily – I can be a good friend by helping to sort out any problems.

Emelia – I can be a good friend by being helpful and kind.

Purdey – I can be a good friend by being a good role-model.

Wilf – I can be a good friend by helping people do the right thing.

Harun – I can be a good friend by showing respect.

George – I can be a good friend by being thoughtful.

Daniel – I can be a good friend by treating people like you want to be treated.

A happy term lies ahead!