Eastington Crafters

Hope everyone has had a good summer. We will be resuming our evening meetings from October if anyone fancies joining us for a chat about crafting of any kind. Our aim is to encourage each other and give ideas and support.

During our September meeting we will have been knitting poppies for the planned church display commemorating 100 years since the end of World War 1. There are patterns online, and I have a couple if needed.

We will also be looking for Christmas ideas if you have any. We try to be informal and friendly. If you want any more info contact Jo Pegler 07855104155 or email pegler222@aol.com.
Dates for meetings up to Christmas.

  • October 8th at Jo’s 7.30 (wine included)
  • October 25th venue to follow
  • November 5th at Jo’s (wine included)
  • November 22nd venue to follow
  • December 10th at Jo’s (wine and mince pies

I Look forward to seeing you. jo