Parish Matters

Thank goodness all the snow has gone. I hope you all came through what the ‘Beast from the East’ brought us.

We had ensured that the grit bins were full, ready for any bad weather, and they will be topped up again just in case!!

Our Clerk, Julie, is now on planned extended leave and we have been lucky in having secured help from Anita for 10 hours a week. We have also employed Karen to assist us with all planning matters – she will be working 10 hours per week where necessary. We are very grateful for their help.

We continue to comment to SDC on the planning application’s ‘reserved matters’ for Great Oldbury (the developers’ preferred name for the WoS development) and we have asked our planning consultant to comment on the ecology matters.

There is again flooding on Springhill. We are in discussions with GCC highways to find a solution, meetings are being arranged as I write this.

I hope you are enjoying the daffodils in the planters on our village signposts, we will soon be looking for volunteers to replant these ready for the summer. If you can help please get in touch.

Muriel Bullock (Chair Parish Council) 01453 826172 / 07715962309

Report a problem

For most things, the Parish Council is your first port of call. However, in some instances it will be quicker and simpler to report a problem direct to the relevant authority. We have included some information here and it is also on the Parish Council website and will be added to as needed.

Stroud District Council – 01453 766321

Stroud District Council website has various on-line “report it” links. E.g. for fly tipping, bins not emptied, abandoned vehicles, planning enforcement etc. see

Gloucestershire County Council – 01452 425000 for customer services

For any highways issues with roads, potholes, street lights etc call 08000 514 514 or report online by visiting (select roads-parking-and-rights-of-way). You can also elect to view the online footpath map.