Eastington Primary School – World Book Day

World Book Day 2022

Class 4 pupils have been learning about writing Blogs in their computing lessons.
Below are some Blogs about World Book Day.

Thursday 3rd March, 2022

Dear Blog,

Today for World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite book characters. I dressed up as ‘Dog Man’ (from the creator of Captain Underpants). He has very big ears. We also went into the hall to draw on a big piece of paper a house with a haunted and non-haunted side. It was labelled with a sentence to describe each section in the picture. At breaktime we ran around, and Mrs Williams was Percy the Park-keeper and Mrs Yorke was Bill the Burglar with a bag of swag! At the end of the day we write a book review of our favourite book. Today was fun and my favourite part was drawing the house and labelling it with descriptions. -Red.

On Thursday 3rd March 2022, which was World Book Day, my school dressed up as our favourite book characters and did some fun activities. I dressed up as Chloe from Dork Diaries and my friends dresses up as Zoey ad Nikki. We got to read to Class 1 children and we drew luxury and haunted houses on paper and described them.

On Thursday 3rd March 2022, Eastington Primary School celebrated World Book Day. We all came as our favourite book character and brought our favourite books to share. We had a special assembly in the hall. We shared our books in class-I was Harry Potter and so was my friend, Jack. We also had a workshop with Emma, the Forest School leader, where we drew houses in different settings and described them. We had our normal maths, English and spelling lessons but the rest of the day was about books and having fun!


My school celebrated World Book Day on 3rd March 2022. Everyone came to school dressed as their favourite book character and brought in their favourite book! We also did fun activities with Forest School leader Emma and my class drew houses in paradise and spooky houses and then improved our descriptions of them. There was an awesome ‘Bonanza Quiz’ which had lots and lots of questions about books. We also got to share books with Class 1! -Katie