ECLT Project TWO
Planning Application for 31 Affordable Homes
Next to OHMG Community Centre and Snakey Park
ECLT has applied for planning permission to build the 31 affordable homes, as displayed at the Village Hall Public Drop-ins last July.
These will be delivered in partnership with Two Rivers Housing Association, who are already managing 11 affordable homes in Swallowcroft. 10 of the 31 homes will be for Affordable Shared Ownership and 21 for Affordable Rent.
As with the 23 affordable homes completed in 2020 at Fullers Close, all homes will be prioritised for people with a local connection to Eastington, either existing residents or folks with families who are residents.
For more details of eligibility, please see our website or contact the secretary, Tom Low, 823425.
There will be public displays of the plans at the Village Hall during February and March, when a banner will be displayed outside the Hall with dates and times. Dates will also be posted on Love Eastington and full plans can be seen on the Stroud DC website under S.21/3014/FUL.
A Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014, registration number 7425
Registered address: Hazel Cottage, Millend, Eastington, Stonehouse, Glos. GL10 3SF , 01453 823425

Notice of Annual General Meeting for 2020 – 2021
Village Hall 17th February 2022 from 7.00pm
The agenda will be e-mailed to all Members and will be available on ECLT website from 1st February 2022.
Whilst this is a formal event for Members, public attendance is welcomed and people can join ECLT on the night for the lifetime fee of £1.00.
There will be a display of large-scale plans and street scenes for Project Two, as now undergoing the planning process at Stroud DC, number S.21/3014/FUL.
Tom Low, Secretary, ECLT
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