Parish Matters Dec. 2020

I hope you are all well and coping with this second lockdown.

I would like to think we can look forward to as near a normal Christmas as possible.
It is with much sadness that I have to report the death of Jill Simmons.
She passed away on October 21st and will be greatly missed by her family and friends.
Jill served Eastington through the Parish Council for 30 years and she had a wealth of knowledge that she was happy to share.

Parish Council is continuing to use Zoom for its meetings which are available for all Parishioners to attend.

To join the zoom meetings, or for further information, visit the parish council website at
and select/download the meeting agenda, which will contain the zoom link

We have now co-opted two new Councillors both of whom live in Great Oldbury.

We shall be advertising for one more person to join us on the Parish Council so, if you are interested, please contact our Clerk at
Your application should include a short introduction and a reason why you would like to become a Councillor.

If you need further information on Parish matters, please contact either our Clerk at the email address above or me on either of the phone numbers below.

Muriel Bullock Chairman

Eastington Parish Council

07715 972309 or 01453 826172