Eastington Cricket Club had a very successful season in the Stroud and District Cricket League this year. They finished top of Division 1 and gained promotion into the Premier Division for 2020.
Will Beese won the league’s individual batting award and Fred Burridge the award for the league’s best all rounder.
There will be one excuse less for departing batsmen next season thanks to the Co-op! The Owen Harris Memorial Ground, in a nice rural setting, has the disadvantage of hedgerows and farm buildings as a backdrop for a ball travelling at high speed towards a batsman who may well not see the ball for the trees! A grant from the Co-op community fund has enabled the club to purchase two sight screens.
Unfortunately, we have to let visiting batsmen use the screens as well, and seeing the ball is still not a guarantee you will actually hit it, but it helps!
Winter cricket is also available as we are taking part in an evening indoor cricket league. Indoor nets will be on offer prior to the new outdoor season starting in May.
Anyone interested in playing for Eastington is welcome to contact the captain, Roger Beese, on 01453 823128 or, for general enquiries, the Secretary, Keith Dench, on 01453 764990.